Friday, October 3, 2008

Jordyn...has a whole new foot...

That was Jordyn's status on her facebook last night. You can't help but smile a bit. Her surgery is over and things went well. The doctor is concerned about some missing muscle around the tendon that was repaired and she may be facing another surgery in the future (how far in the future is uncertain). I also know that we serve a great big God that is the ultimate physician who can make her foot 100% without another surgery. But, for now, things have been repaired and she will begin the healing and rehabilitation process.

I talked to her on the phone a few minutes ago and she sounded well. She said that she was in pain, and I know she is tired of hurting. My heart breaks for that, but at least now her body will be healing and mending.

Tomorrow I will be meeting up to get Shania for the week. Their school is on fall break after today. I'm hoping that we can drive down to Nashville to visit Jordyn on Monday. By then, maybe she'll be feeling a bit perkier and the weekend rush of visitors will be over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always gave Jordyn her privacy when chatting with friends on facebook from the hospital but reading her caption for the day brought tears to my eyes even today. She does have a whole new foot...praise the Lord!