Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My new favorite Christmas song

Jamie can tell you that I'm not a music lover. I know that is unusual. It's not that I don't enjoy music, but it is just not a prominent fixture in my life I don't guess.

During worship service, the music is one of my favorite things, and probably effects more of my emotions than a sermon. I listen to the radio in the car, but it is merely background noise unless I'm driving alone where I might sing out loud and jam going down the road. Most days I get a song stuck in my head that I will sing periodically throughout the day. Sometimes it is some annoying kid tune from a children's program, but it is usually a Christian praise song or hymn. I probably haven't bought music for myself since I got my first car with a tape player, and that was only to have "cool" music to cruise to. I don't own a IPod and don't really have a desire for one either. I guess that makes me a bit weird in most people's eyes.

However, lately we've been jamming to the Christmas tunes. I'm really enjoying the CD that Jamie's parents got him for Christmas last year by Third Day (Jamie's all time favorite group). There is one song that I have listened to over and over called "Born in Bethlehem." It is just one of those songs that makes you smile and cry at the same time.

Please take a moment to listen to this song. It is awesome! The entire CD is very good too if you are looking for a good Christian Christmas CD to enjoy.


Denisha said...

I love that song too! It was cool to see them sing it at the Christmas Offerings tour last year. The stage lit up with Christmas lights and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'm now changing that to my MYSPACE song.

i've been looking for a good CHRISTIAN Christmas song for it.
