Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mommy Brag Time

Yesterday was report card day. I'm so pleased that my kids are doing so well in school. They work really hard and are so smart. Micah got all A's except for 2 subjects. The girls get check marks on their reports, but everything was checked off up to date and they got many brags in the teacher comments. I'm a very proud of them.

And, not to leave Chloe out. She never ceases to amaze me either. We were walking through Kroger today and she said, "T, H, A, N, I don't know, Y O, I don't know". It sort of caught me off guard as I had my mind on what was on my list. I asked her where those letters were at and she pointed to the handle of the cart. It said, "Thank You" on it. She knew all, but 2 letters, and not only that, she was reading them upside down! We read a lot around here, but I think she is learning her letters from Abbi and Hannah playing teacher with her. She is even beginning to pick up on some letter sounds.

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