Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We are here!

My card reader is in a box, so no pictures, although I did take a few. Maybe it'll turn up in the next couple of days as we get through boxes. Unpacking can be so daunting! By Friday night and Saturday morning, we were just throwing stuff in boxes to push it out the door. Organization kind of went out the window at that point. It was a job and a half and we ended up catching some rain while unpacking, which added to the "fun".

But, we are here and Jamie started his new job yesterday and MCU. He is very excited about it and I just have a little feeling that he has found his "forever" workplace and that is always a really nice place to be in your life. He begins the Master's Program very soon and he will be doubling up on classes for a while, but should be complete in 2 years. Then he can teach! The president expressed interest in Jamie being a full time Professor. Professor Hughes...sort of has a ring to it, don't you think? My kids will be so impressed. I think he'll be great at it!

Otherwise, we are trying to settle in. It is sort of weird and I don't really think it has all hit me yet. I'm here, but we had our "life" in Owensboro for 2 years. Our lives have been in a stressful whirlwind for over a month now and it all happened too quickly to process, I guess. We'll get there, in time. This area has always been my home, and it is weird that living here again will take adjustment, because I lived 32 years here, but it will.

But, it is nice to see familiar faces, be with family, and the kids are happy. We are finishing up homeschool for the year after next week. It has been fun, but we are just "winging" it with review and reading, and I simply cannot wait to devour my curriculum that is sitting on my shelf in August!

I've learned a lot the past few weeks.
  • I've learned that when everything else is stripped away, Jamie and I can still laugh in the midst of tears, stress, and heartache. Sometimes having only each other can make you realize even more how much you love someone. He is a protective husband and I appreciate him taking care of us.
  • My children are so sweet and well-behaved. They left their friends and life behind there.
    But have had a great attitude and have taken it all in stride. They are really great kids and sometimes they teach me more than I could ever teach them. They amaze me.
  • God is forever faithful. He didn't let us down even when we had our doubts. We are in a valley, but he is holding our hands through it and we cling to him even more. He is going to get us safely to the other side.
  • There are many things we'll never understand this side of heaven. And when we get to heaven and look at Jesus, we won't even care about these earthly worries any more.
  • People ("friends") will often disappoint you, hurt you, and turn their backs on you. In the end, your real friends will remain true, love you, and pray for you. Sometimes you have to find out who your real friends are the hard way.
  • Ministry is everywhere!
  • Homeschooling has been a safe haven for me and the kids. In the process of moving, it has relieved much stress of the kids changing schools too. It has reaffirmed my commitment even more.
  • Money doesn't matter, because God provides.
  • People's opinions don't matter, only God's.
  • Home isn't about a house, but more about who is within the walls.
  • Life is hard. Tears are cleansing. Laughter is therapeutic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dad's computer has a built in card reader. I'm sure it has a slot for your card type.