Monday, August 23, 2010

So Many Changes!

I feel like my head might explode! Today I attended the kick-off meeting for the homeschool group in Murray. It was one of those awkward social situations where everybody seems to know everybody and you are the odd man out. I mean, I talked to a few moms and the kids loved their 'Literature Clubs' and I know that I'll get used to it and perhaps make some great friends, but it was still very uncomfortable for me. I'm chanting to myself in my head, "I'm doing this for my kids, I'm doing this for my kids...". I actually ended up chatting with one mom that had a son that is 11 and 2 little girls and we had a little on common. Her husband even works part time in Mayfield and is a bi-vocational minister. She told me about a P.E. class they offer there once a week (yay...more awkward conversations in my future).

We are also church looking . We have not been a "regular" church member in over 11 years and have not really church shopped since we first got married. It is weird! We've visited 2 so far. The first one just didn't fit us. There was nothing wrong with it, but it was just not what we were looking for and really not even what I expected. The 2nd church, we've gone to twice now and really like it a lot . It is about the right size and has a contemporary worship and a 'come as you are' atmosphere. There are plenty of kids and youth and the pastor is probably one of the best preachers I've ever heard actually (besides my dear husband, of course!).

It is just overwhelming thinking of all the changes from the last 4 months! I really resist and hate change of any kind, so all this stress has been a bit much to take in at times. I'm getting there one step at a time. We will be in our new home Wednesday night...probably on an air mattress, but still in our new home! That is a change that I'm certainly looking forward to!

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