Monday, August 22, 2011

I love it when that happens!

It seems to happen a lot when 2 or 3 totally different events, conversations, lessons, etc line up and are about the same thing. I love that and it shows me how God is really in things even before we give him credit perhaps.

Here are a couple of examples. We are studying explorers in homeschool and Christopher Columbus was first. I have a totally unrelated book (different curriculum altogether) that is about Native Americans and mission focused and we read it every day for part of our Bible/Prayer time. The same week we studied Columbus, we also studied the Native Americans that he stumbled upon in 1492. It was totally a coincidence and I didn't read ahead to intentionally coordinate them. Very cool!

This past week, we are studying reverence to authorities in Bible with the kids, Jamie and I actually had a conversation on this topic Saturday evening (due to a facebook posting by somebody else actually), then the preacher did a sermon about it on Sunday. All totally unrelated yet intertwined in my life.

I cannot even begin to tell you the number of times this has happened. I really began to notice this more strongly once I started homeschooling, but it has probably always happened and maybe I'm just more in tune. I'm really not sure, but I can honestly say that I love it! I don't know why, but it just seems to amazing to me, but I'll admit that I'm easily amused;-)

On another note, our pictures are hung on the walls of our home, so it really feels nice now. I still need to paint a picture frame to match and print a picture we want to display from vacation, but otherwise, the house is pulled together. I know the garage is still in need of organization, but at least I can hide that from company. Ha Ha! It has been a lot of work, but so cool to see it all come together. We moved exactly 1 year ago yesterday and it is our 'home' and so cozy and comfortable to us now.

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