Thursday, August 11, 2011

Proud of Hard Work

Jamie started his new position at the end of June, so July was the first full month he had the job as a recruiter for the online operations. The recruiters at MCU have a little friendly competition each month and whoever has the most applicants gets to drive the MCU car. Guess who won it their first month on the job?!?!

I told my kids, "Daddy gets to drive the car, because he works very hard for us" and Abbi's response was, "I think he should work hard all the time" Ha Ha! I want them to know and realize the sacrifice that Jamie makes for this family. I appreciate it more than he'll ever realize. Because of his sacrifice, I'm able to focus my thoughts and attention to our kids, which is my main ministry during this season of my life and has been for almost 12 years.

The kids were so excited to have this snazzy car in the driveway (and to take a spin around the neighborhood), I was proud that he gets free gas for the month, and Jamie was thankful for the air conditioning since his Focus's air is busted.

I'm just really proud of Jamie though and I'm allowed to gush a bit for having the most fabulous, hard-working, selfless, and loving husband any woman could ever dream of. It is not because of this car. I don't really care about material things that much, but it is fun to have a little job perk for doing a good job. I'm so glad that he loves his new place of work and position.


Anonymous said...

Probably can't install a car seat in that one.

Anonymous said...

OK when do we see a picture of them in the Hummer?