Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bring on 2012

2010 was the hardest year I'd had to date. Jamie's job situation was stressful to say the least, we had an abrupt move, loss of "friends", and no home for a few months. It was a very sad year, although we did have some "good" come out of it.

2011 started off OK and we finished our house renovations in June and things were going well. Then in September, I got a phone call that changed everything. My Daddy died and nothing else mattered in the world. 2011 proved that 2010 really wasn't so bad after all, I suppose. I still miss my Daddy every single day and I never realized how much grief resembles physical pain. I don't understand it, but I have to reconcile that I never will and somehow move forward. To say that the last few months have been hard, would be an understatement. Our world has been rocked and will never be the same. He will never live to be old, will never see his grandchildren grow up, great-grandchildren being born, and enjoy retirement with my Mother.

Here I sit at the feet of 2012 and once again, I'm hoping for a better year. I suppose I had the same thoughts last year as we began 2011. In fact, I know I did. Ironic, isn't it? I guess the fact is that 2012 remains a mystery, live each day as if it is your last, pray to God that he will give you peace in your heart for the things you don't understand, tell your family that you love them and smother them in hugs and kisses, and enjoy each moment in life as each day is a gift.

So bring on 2012 and I pray that it is a peaceful one!

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