Monday, October 29, 2012

God's Timing

Jamie and I are waiting for an answer from God.  I bet most people are waiting for something in their life to happen (or not be happening as the case may be).  I feel like we go through our entire existence with something that we are waiting on almost always. I don't like it anymore than the next guy, but being a parent has helped me understand it a bit better I think.  If God gave us everything we wanted in the timing we thought we needed it, we would never build character or appreciation for the blessing when it is bestowed upon us.  Would we rejoice in the answer if it were immediate?  Would we learn the value of patience?  If we don't wait and try something ourselves to fill the gap, it probably won't fit even if we wedge it in there.  We must wait.  We wait upon the Lord, because it is what is right, what is good for us, and what will bless us in the end.

I was thinking today about hunger.  If money were no object and I was really really hungry, I could choose to go through the McD's drive through and get almost immediate satisfaction for my hunger pangs.  I could also choose to go a little further down the road, go to a sit-down restaurant that serves a menu of my favorite foods that are cooked to order with a server that will be there to fulfill my every need.  In the end, which one will leave me better satisfied?  My belly will be full either way, but which will taste better?  be a more enjoyable experience?  give me a sense of satisfaction?  be healthier?  will be cooked exactly like I needed it?  will give me leftovers to enjoy the next day?  will I remember the most?  will curb my cravings?

You see, I could choose to go to McD's.  God allows us free choice in this life.  However, if we wait for HIS timing and HIS will, it might be the difference between Prime Rib and a Big Mac.  There is truly no comparison.  If I eat the McD's and really wanted the Prime Rib, I will probably still crave it even when my belly is full.  However, in reverse, I would not care about the McD's in the least, because what I had was so much better!   In the end, it is a no brainer, but it is our sense of needing a quick fix that sends us through the McD's drive through making difference choices than what God really wanted to bless us with. 

God really does want the best for us.  He really does want us to stay in HIS will and we often choose a faster, easier route to get there the way we want.  Right now, Jamie and I are waiting a bit on what God has in store for us and we are frustrated a bit in the timing.  It isn't the way we had envisioned things, but perhaps the blessing will be worth it in the end.  He has always taken care of us and sustained us.  I think we just grow so weary and TIRED of the things we cannot see or understand.  

1 comment:


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