Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Favorite Jeans From a Year ago

The week after the 4th of July last year, I set out to make a new healthy life.  At the time, I didn't know what that would mean or look like, but now that I'm one year in, I will share.  I have been private about my changes thus far.  I didn't want it "out there" because that causes me more stress thinking people may be "looking" at me to succeed (or fail), and in the end I was not doing it for them or anybody else.

What worked for me was very simple and it may not work for everybody. I learned to eat in moderation by counting calories, I replaced the sugar in my tea with Stevia, and I learned to exercise. It didn't hurt that after 3 years of tweaking my thyroid dosage, my doctor finally figure out what worked best for my body and my thyroid is optimal.  I lost 1/2 pound to 1 pound a week until about March when I reached my final destination.  It was slow and steady, but slow and steady wins the race right? 

So, a year later, I find myself 36 pounds lighter, 4 jean sizes smaller,  running 3 miles about 3 times a week, with more energy, less anxiety, and a bit more self esteem.  I had been overweight for the better part of 10 years, so it was huge for me to get to a "normal" weight and then surpass that a while back.   I used to not even be able to run the mile in gym class and now I can run 3 at almost 40 years old and a mother of 4! 

I get up every day and make decisions (as we all do) on what I'll eat, what activity I will encounter, if I will exercise or not, etc.  I didn't "diet" and never used that word. I changed how I think of food and exercise and it has not been easy!  Nope!  I won't lie!  I had good weeks and weeks I wanted to quit like anybody else. 

So, here is me wearing my favorite jeans from last summer!  In fact, the receipt was still in the pocket where I had purchased my first running shoes! The jeans fit me like a glove at the time. 

 Here is Jamie and I at the beach in June of 2013.  I did not take an official "before" picture and I wish I had now!  So, this is probably the last picture of me at my heaviest. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

So Much Has Changed....

I do not blog enough, I realize.  I have great intentions, then time slips away from me and marches forward.  The last time I sat here was the end of the year.  Little did I know then how much life was going to send us into a tailspin in just a few short weeks!

In the middle of February, Jamie noticed WPSD in MCU's parking lot and he texted me and later he was called in a meeting.  They were told, very vaguely, that MCU had not received student financial aid the entire school year, money was running short, but they were fairly confident that things would work out.  He didn't even come home all that worried.  We watched the news piece later and  I remember saying, "surely they will get that money!" and Jamie sort of agreed and that was that. 

Then a week later, the news had gotten some more information, and WPSD in MCU's parking lot became a regular occurrence.  By the same time the next week, we were sitting in a restaurant trying to enjoy a long awaited date night, and watching an interview on WPSD on our phone that made our financial future look pretty bleak.  From this news report, it didn't really seem like Jamie would have a job on Monday, much less any longer than that!    Money was running out quickly! 

The next morning, there was a board meeting.  I remember staying up very late the night before trying to turn my brain off of what was to come, my heart racing, tears pouring out, and praying that things would turn around.  The next day, Dr. Imhoff stepped aside as president and Dr. Ken Winters came in.  We were, again hopeful that things might turn around.  He had money rolling in from donors very quickly and he was optimistic that the paperwork sample they were hand delivering would make the cut and money would start rolling in. 

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into another month and then we sat at the end of March with no federal money.  On April 1st, there were almost 50 lay offs, mostly in the Advantage building where Jamie worked.  Jamie found himself the only person left in his department and survived the cut.  I held my phone all day waiting for the text that said, "me" as my signal.  You see, his phone belonged to MCU and he was going to simply text "me" if HR called him out. I never got the text.

He came home that evening, I hugged him tightly, and he cried into my shoulder saying, "why me?" and "it was the worst day I've ever had at work".  MCU was another family to him.  They shared in each other's lives and he loved them.  He had to sit there and watch as each of his friend were picked off one by one, had 15 minutes to gather things, and leave...never knowing if he would be next. 

A prayer meeting was held on campus the following Sunday.  I looked around the prayer circle, tears streaming down my face, trying to feel hopeful, but knowing in my heart that things were very dim for this university.  The University that Jamie finally earned his bachelor's from in 2007, began to work in 2010, and later earning a Master's in 2012.  He loved it there!

On the 15th, the entire university got their walking papers as the DOE had told them there was no hope.  He went in the next day, signed some final paperwork and came home. We were disappointed in God's answer, but it was almost a relief to know an answer at the same time.  Our lives then began a different turn of resumes, job hunting, stress, tears, intermixed with normal life somehow.  It always seems like when we hit a "low" point, God would kind of show up and tap us on the shoulder.  We had 4 financial blessings in a week's time. I did not pay for my own groceries in about 2 weeks as a result, which is amazing!

He did have an interview the next week out of the gate.  Then the next day he got a phone call about another job in TN from a place we had never heard of.  He called them, the interview was set up the next day, he interviewed on a Monday, job was offered on a Tuesday, and the rest is history.  He started his new career a week ago!  He comes home chattering away about this new place, he gets to work with his former MCU supervisor, it has a creative edge to it, but still sort of doing what he did at MCU too. He is very exciting about his future there. 

We attended MCU's last graduation to see my sister on Saturday.  Jamie marched in with the professors and sat on stage with them.  It was very hard for tears not to well up in my eyes as the acting president spoke of April 15th.  I looked around the room at MCU employees that may still be scrambling around with the unknowns.  It was a very bittersweet day!   I'm not sure how well I would have handled it had Jamie not obtained a job! 

God knows what he is doing.  I feel like something wonderful will go into that beautiful campus when this is all over.  I pray daily for those looking for work. My heart just goes out to each and every family that is still waiting.  There are many single incomes, married couples, etc that were effected by this lay-off.  My heart is still sad about it all, but I feel like we can close a chapter and move forward instead of looking back at the nightmare.