Friday, July 25, 2008

Waiting for Dinner is Hard Work

Yesterday afternoon, we decided to go out and play all afternoon. Most days, we wait for Chloe to get her much needed nap in before we head out. Sometimes, she does OK without a nap if I get her to bed early, so I thought she would be fine to enjoy the afternoon. By the time we came in, it was time to begin dinner.

When we came in, Chloe took her shirt off, because it had a little bit of milk dribbled on it and asked for her "blankie." She climbed into her booster seat and was waiting for dinner. My back was turned to her most of the time as I was busy at the stove. Jamie comes into the kitchen and said, "Chloe is asleep". I turned around and all I could say was, "AWWWWW". So, Jamie went and grabbed the camera for this very cute moment.
I think she would have napped there all night if I had let her. I tried to wake her when it was time to eat, but it was pretty useless, so I just moved her to the couch. She slept about an hour, but I guess waiting for dinner is hard work!

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