Monday, October 27, 2008

Abigail Renee is 7 today!!! & Micah's Spiritual Birth!!!!

Today Abbi is 7! She was born around 5 weeks early at 12:30 in the afternoon and was a whopping 5 # 8 oz and 18 inches long. When she was born, the nurse held her up to me so that I could give her a little kiss on the forehead, and then they whisked her off. I didn't get to hold her until she was 4 days old, and it was in small amounts of time, because that was all she could take before her stats started dropping. We got to miraculously take her home when she was exactly 1 week old!

Sometimes, I will still sit and look at her in amazement that she is such a smart, healthy, and beautiful little girl. She loves to turn cartwheels, ride her bike, and draw. She is my oldest girl and sometimes I think that she acts more like she is 13 than 7, but then she'll turn right around and cuddle up in my lap. So, today, we are celebrating 7 wonderful years. Even though I told her that I was going to skip today, so that she could stay 6. Why do they grow so fast!?!?

On another exciting note...Micah accepted Christ last night right here in our living room!!!

We had the Lord's Supper last night, which prompted a few questions in his mind. Jamie had to work late and the kids and I had gotten carried away reading on the couch and had totally lost track of time. I was going to let them stay up until 9, but realized that we had gone too long when Jamie came in the door. We got everybody ready for bed and then Micah said he wanted to ask us some questions. Jamie and I put the girls to bed and then sat here and answered his questions and we asked him some questions and he looked up with tears in his eyes and said, "I think God is telling me to trust Christ right now". It is one of those moments as a Christian parent that you pray for before they are even born. But, as Micah sat here between us and prayed his little heart out to God, it was such a surreal moment and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life! He looked up and said, "my heart feels better now". He was bouncing around this morning all excited about it, and I'll admit that I didn't sleep well either out of excitement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Abigail Cottontail......