Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Husband the Hobo

Yes, Jordyn, I stole that term from you. Aren't you flattered?

Jamie has decided to grow a beard. Here is the conversation that we had this past weekend.

Me: Wonder what you'd look like with a beard.
Jamie: Alright! I'll grow one and find out!
Me: (sigh)

So, right now, he just looks like a hobo with a scruffy sandpaper like face. He is a man that gets a 5 o' clock shadow anyways, so surely in a few days, it'll start looking like it was on purpose rather than the "I woke up too late to shave" look he has going on right now.

My theory is that he secretly really does just want to be able to sleep an extra 10 minutes in the morning though.

The joys of living with Jamie:-) You just gotta love him!


Anonymous said...

eww.. bad idea Jamie

Buffy said...
