Monday, November 17, 2008

A Good Monday and Spaghetti Dinner!

Today we went to Story Time, then did a little more shopping for the kids at Target. This will probably be the last year that we can get by with sneaking presents while Chloe is in the cart. Jamie would distract her with a toy and then I'd shove the selected item under the cart. Then Jamie handled checking out while I took Chloe to Starbucks to get a juice box and sit by the window. Worked like a charm!

I also have realized that I cannot get 100% on 3rd grade science worksheets. It is pretty darn terrible when Micah brings his worksheets home with "x's" on them when I helped him with his work with the textbook in front of me. Can you say difficult? Some of them we even got Jamie in on and we still missed them! How is that even humanly possible for 2 college graduates to miss 3rd grade material?!?! I swear those answers are NOT there! Sometimes I drive myself crazy reading the same page over and over again trying to find it. Sometimes I know the answer without the book, but I still can't find the word! Of course, his teacher loves to use the red pen on the papers and he missed one because we put "plants" instead of "green plants". Jamie swears that she wouldn't know the answers without the key in front of her. Can you tell that I am just loving the 3rd grade?

Speaking of school. I had forgotten to relay this cute story. I can always tell how the day was by the look on their faces as they get into the van. A few weeks go, Abbi look distraught. I asked her what happened and she said, "I got a B!". I told her that a "B" was a good grade and it was fine. She promptly told me that she only like "A's". We looked at what she did wrong and I told her how great she did. She takes the paper (still upset) and rips it to shreds and throws it in the trashcan in a very dramatic fashion. I couldn't help, but laugh. I am also hoping that I'm not glimpsing into a future of stress over not being "perfect". The apple didn't fall too far for her, I'm afraid to say!

We also had spaghetti for dinner. Nothing too exciting and a pretty regular meal for us. Chloe loves spaghetti, and was quite a sight at the end. We looked over and she was literally licking her bowl clean and was rather proud of herself. Perhaps we should've waited to give her a bath after dinner. What was I thinking?!?!


Denisha said...

I think I've thrown a fit over school more than a few times....

Anonymous said...

How funny, we had spaghetti on Monday night too. Great minds think alike I guess.

Amen on the comment from Denisha...
