Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our New Church Home and Micah

This was the first Sunday in our new building. You could just feel the positive "buzz" as you entered the halls. I think we were all just like little kids on Christmas (even the adults). We actually had 80 more in Sunday School this morning, so we know that God has blessed us with this space for many reasons. It is hard not to just be giddy about the whole thing. We've never been a part of a big church move like this.

Micah also went forward to make his public profession of faith this morning and will be baptized next Sunday morning. We are all just over-joyed and how special for Jamie to be the one baptizing Micah. It will be an awesome day and another Sunday filled with anticipation and excitement.

So, things are new and different this week, but that has sort of been the story of our life for the past 5 months anyways. We are up to the challenge!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know its just a blessing anyway to see your children be saved and baptized...but to see your husband be the one to baptize your children is an even better blessing. I imagine your cup is overflowing. :)