Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Electionitis...Do you have it?

This is the day we've anxiously awaited for a long time. The day that we actually can go cast our ballots and get this thing moving forward and leave the mudslinging behind. No matter who gets the president-elect after today, I will pray for him and support him. God won't be surprised and it is all in his hands anyways.

My children had a mock election at their school. I loved that they were learning about the political parties and candidates this year. When it came down to the final day, they got to cast their own ballots in their classroom. Here were their choices and the reason why they chose them.

Disclaimer: My kids have no idea who Jamie or I are voting for, so their choices do not reflect our vote in any way: Disclaimer over

Abbi--Obama, because he looks nice

Micah--McCain, because his guidance counselor is named Ms. McCain and he thought they might be related

Hannah--McCain, because he is old and she thought that he might not have another chance to be president before he dies.

I can't help but just laugh when talking to them about their choice. The sad thing is that many people will vote for Obama because he looks nice (or is good looking), many people will vote for McCain because his name is more familiar to them or he is older. These are not "good" reasons to vote in reality, but we all know that it happens!

And, if you have a Starbuck's near you, you can stop in for a free cup of coffee after you have voted. Jamie is very excited to have his morning dose of caffeine for free!

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