Thursday, December 18, 2008

School Parties!

Having 3 children in school certainly makes for a busy mommy during party times. I told the kids yesterday that I would only get to stay 15 minutes or so at each party. When Chloe and I entered, we just went to Abbi's class first. There was no real reason, but she is the closest. Then we went to Micah's and Hannah's. The funny thing was that I must have made my path just right, because I got to see all the kids do the gift exchanges and open their present. What are the odds?

So, it was a busy day and then we practically had to run out the door to beat the buses. It was either check the kids out before 2:15 (and the made the announcement at 2:05) or wait until regular pick up time. Since I had to pick up 3 kids scattered all over the school and check out of the front office, we made it just in the nick of time. Whew!

Chloe was a great sport too. It is hard for a 2 year old to be around all those presents and not get one. She never made one fuss!

One more day of school, then 2 weeks off! WOOHOO!

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