Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Fun Saturday

It was a beautiful day yesterday and just the perfect weather to enjoy being outside. We have all been longing for that all winter, and who knows if it will last this time of year, so we spent the majority of our day outside. So we headed to a park to spend the afternoon.

We started out by going through walking trails and bridges into the wooded area. It was a lot of fun and interesting to see the damage to the trees from the ice storm. Here are 3 of my children enjoying their little walk.
Here is my other child being dramatic and convinced that the bridge would fall and that trees would fall on her. She did walk along with us, but she was not a happy camper. This was her expression during most of our little adventure.
Chloe was able to keep up with us. We walked for quite a ways, so I know her little legs must have been tired, but she never complained. She said she liked hiking.

Here is our fearless leader. Well, he was usually straggling behind, but that is typical for Micah.
Hannah was enjoying the view.

They were able to take a little break. Abbi is a little happy here, because we were finally off of the bridge and onto a regular trail.
And, well, the next thing was a swing bridge. Her expression quickly changed to terror and Jamie had to carry her across. Later she informed us that in the Horton Hears a Who (movie) the bridge like that started breaking. She thought it would come true even though we tried to tell her that cartoons aren't real and that it was safe.
When our walk was complete we let the kids run and play on a couple of playgrounds.
Much happier hanging upside down!
And, Jamie and I joined in the fun. I have to admit that zip thing on the playground was pretty fun. Notice the little boy in the background. I'm sure he was like, "who is this crazy guy" of the highlights of the afternoon!


Anonymous said...

If you go there again sometime, they allow the kids to fish in that creek. The girls love going there.

Anonymous said...

Poor little Abbi. Be sure and tell her that Deda doesn't like bridges either. If I had been with her, I would have been perfectly happy watching everyone go across with me staying on the other end. I get kind of freaked out with them as well.

Sozo said...

lol ....Davida said "I don't like BRIDGES".

Anonymous said...

OK, I had several thoughts about this one.
..Jamie was probably trying to scare Abbi about the bridge falling down.
..Abbi had just witnessed the ice storm of the century in which huge trees came crashing down, including those in our back yard. I don't think she realizes that the ice is what made the trees fall.
..Where is the grapevine?

Sozo said...

Actually I hadn't said anything about the bridge at all. I went back to carry her over it once I realized she was scared. It was really just the swinging bridge that scared her the most. Her fear came from the movie horton hears a who....where the bridge falls. But she did fine...believe me I understand the fear of heights.

Buffy said...

Those bridges aren't high at all by the way. We tried to get her to realize that even if it DID fall, that she would be fine, but it didn't work.

Anonymous said...

ha ha Jamie