Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Latest Creation

My front door was still sporting my Christmas wreath until last week. Yea, I have other wreaths, but I was just tired of them all, and needed a change, but didn't really know what I wanted to do either. So, I decided just to stay "Christmasy" until spring was here. Well, spring has sprung (almost), and I had to get busy. I wanted something different than my usual grapevine wreath with flowers stuck in it. You know, like every wreath in my collection, so it was time to do some googling to get a new idea.

I came up with this rag wreath. It was different, fun, homey, easy to make, and cheap, so it fit the bill perfectly. I found the "H" and painted it and threw it on for an extra effect.

So, basically you take a wire wreath. I found one at Hobby Lobby (one of the best stores in the world), but you could easily bend a coat hanger into a circle. Then you cut strips of fabric and start tying them on close together. The closer you can get the strips, the fuller the wreath will be. It was more time consuming than sticking flowers into a grapevine wreath, but not too bad. I had it done in an evening while watching TV.

Here is the view from the front:


And even closer:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute idea. I made some Christmas garland like that one year. It took me forever...