Monday, March 16, 2009

Hannah is Headed to the Doctor This Afternoon AGAIN! And Micah is Home From School.

She started complaining about her throat yesterday afternoon and her tonsils looked a bit swollen to me, but she had no fever or anything, so we went on with our activities, because she wasn't "sick". I checked on them before bed and early this morning and they still look very swollen. What is that dangly thing in the back of the throat called? Hmmmmm....that is a question for Google I guess, but whatever it is, her tonsils are touching it. Literally touching that thingy majigger (I'll just call it that for now).

So, I sent her onto school, because she felt fine otherwise. Really, if I kept her home every time her tonsils were swollen, she'd never be out of this house, but we are headed in this afternoon after school to see what could be going on. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster with her. I just want her well!

We called the school and told them to send a message to her teacher to keep a watchful eye on her and to call us if she gets puny or something. I'm sure I may kick myself for sending her, but sometimes it is hard to make those decisions as a parent and so early in the morning too. Especially when she was perking along fine.

Micah is home today too. I think he got up with a migraine or something. We are also keeping an eye on him, but he tends to get migraines every so often anyways. Hopefully that is what it is, and he'll be fine later today. He is already perking up a bit.

Edited at 11:00--Micah is feeling fine and we are taking him to school. The nurse just called and said that Hannah is now not feeling well, so we are trading out sick kids. We are headed to the doctor at 3:00 to see what is up with her.

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