Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Scarlett Fever and House News

This is a first for our household. Hannah got diagnosed with strep yesterday afternoon (The 3rd time since Feb. 12!). Before the appointment, she was telling me her neck and head itched. My first thought was lice. Well, I looked around and saw nothing to indicate lice, so I just told her that maybe her scalp was dry. I didn't think 2 more thoughts about it.

After I picked up her medication, I gave it too her. She told me at that same moment that she was itchy all over. I took her shirt off and sure enough, she was polka-dotted from the neck down. So, I get on the nurse line and the lady was really nice, but convinced she had an allergy to the medication. I'm not saying that it couldn't be true (she is already allergic to Amoxil), but to be broken out and itching within 5 seconds didn't seem right to my mommy instinct.

We also knew that strep can also lead to scarlett fever, which...guess what....has itchy red dots. So, I kind of knew last night that my instincts were leading this direction. To be safe we gave her Benadryl, we avoided the anti-biotic this morning and Jamie took her back in to see the doctor. Turns out, my mommy instinct was right and she has Scarlett Fever. So, we are continuing the medication that we bought yesterday and hopefully she'll be fine tomorrow. It sounds a lot worse than what it is, I think. I also think that Mommies should get some kind of honorary Doctor's lisence. I'm getting pretty good at this diagnosing thing.

So, she is home today and bouncing around like nothing is wrong. Go figure! She has never run a fever with this round of strep though, so that helps with the way she feels. An adult would probably be laid up in bed for 3 days!

But, at the doctor's yesterday, they did do a more thorough culture to send off to the lab. They will check for sensativities and see what is making this strep bullet proof. She is also getting a referral to an ENT for another opinion on this whole matter. I should hear something today or tomorrow.

So, that is kind of where we are at right now. Kind of in limbo. I think we may have some decisions to make about Hannah's health in the next couple of weeks and I'm praying for discernment on that matter. It isn't always easy to know what is best for our children.

On another note, we did have some good news yesterday. Looks like we are headed to Murray on Friday (maybe as late as Monday) to sell our house. I'm not sure that it has all hit me yet. It has been 10 long months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with the mommies should have an honorary dr degree. lol