Saturday, June 6, 2009

No More Homework, No More Books...

No More Teachers' Dirty Looks! My kids thought I was a loon when I sang this to them yesterday afternoon. I don't know. I remember singing that on the last day of school when I was a kid, but the 80's was a long time ago. Also, the "no more homework" part isn't really true anymore either with Summer Reading forms, but the idea is good.

The kids have officially completed their first year at the new school. There are pros and cons of the new school, I won't lie. There are things that I really truly miss about our old elementary school. I was prepared to love it and was let down quite a bit, actually. It was suppose to be the "best" around here, which I'm sure it is academically. But, isn't there more to school than academics?

But, nevertheless, the kids liked it alright, and are glad to be out. The weather was beautiful yesterday, so we went outside. A few minutes after going out, a lady and her little girl walked up. It just happened to be Abbi's very best friend that she made this year. We knew she lived a block over, but I didn't know where and was planning on calling to see if the little girl could come play sometime anyways.

Well, the mother was as sweet as could be and we ended up chatting for over 2 hours while standing around watching the kids play. The kids were happy as clams and I got to talk to a grown-up while Jamie spent his evening at church, which is always a bonus. I figure we'll meet up again soon so that the kids can play again.

So, it was a good Friday in the Hughes house. They get about 2 months off of school, which will be nice, but my calendar is already quite full so I know it'll go by much too fast, and we'll be back at it.

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