Friday, July 24, 2009

Camping Day 1 and First Fish!

Thanks to facebook, we are able to see glimpes of Micah at camp. This is the first time he's ever been away from us and not been with family, so it is kind of weird. But, he looks like he is having lots of fun.

Also looks like he was a bit tired this morning. He is not used to staying up so late. Poor little guy!
He loves to go swimming! He was excited about that. Here is his walking along and at the pool.
And.....the highlight of his day, I'm sure! His first fish!
Maybe we'll get to hear from him today. I hope he is having a ball! He was kind of nervous about several things, but was also very excited.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of him walking along the road b/c I can just imagine how excited that he is on his way to the pool.
I hope that he had a good time!

Buffy said...

I like that picture, because you can tell he was swinging his arms along. Jamie walks the same way. It is funny.

Anonymous said...

Did he get to bait his on line and take the fish off the hook. I know Jamie and John did not want to do either of those. I had to do it for them. I'm glad you have a picture of his first fish. Someday maybe he can catch his Dad a swordfish.