Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Refreshing Weekend!

It has been a few weeks since I could say that. Seems like Jamie has been so busy with youth activities and now that school is in, we don't have our "Monday Weekend" with everybody around. I try to be patient, but I'm human. What can I say? I guess the feeling of not knowing the inside jokes and being 'left out' doesn't feel good even when you are way past being a kid yourself. Not that it is anybody's fault. My first obligation and ministry is to my kids and I'm certain of that and I'm very thankful for Jamie's job. It is just good to have him around, and I miss my family back in Murray sometimes. I left all my best girlfriends back there!

So, this weekend was much needed and we were blessed with gorgeous perfect weather! We had Abbi's soccer game in the morning, then headed home for lunch. We rode our bikes on the Greenbelt to the DQ and grabbed us a dipped cone. We rode from the DQ to the park and let the kids play, then back home to relax in the porch swing and let the kids play some more. It was very nice and relaxing! A much needed break to refresh us all.

Today, Jamie is working through the afternoon at church. They are setting our new sanctuary up! So, this was our last Sunday morning service in the "gymuary" and next Sunday we will be sitting in our new beautiful sanctuary. You can already feel the excitement in the air, so I can't wait to go next week! Our church has been very blessed! It has been exciting to be a part of all this moving process. God brought us around just in the nick of time.

School has been going very well for the kids. So far so good. Abbi did have a stomach bug on Wednesday, but nobody else got it, thank goodness. I guess we can throw that goal for perfect attendance out the window since she missed a day in the 1st full week. Oh well! But, otherwise, Micah's homework load has been MUCH better (so far anyways) and he really is enjoying the 4th grade more. He has even gotten recess every day so far, which is a huge improvement from last year. The girls are adjusting well and I'm trying to adjust all the morning/homework/afterschool craziness again. We'll get there. We are also having to leave the house earlier than last year, because apparently everybody on HWY 54 has lost their ever loving mind, but Jamie is the one that has to deal with that. LOL!

The Bridges Bunch went to NC and picked up Jordyn yesterday too. I'm anxious and excited to hear all about that!

1 comment:

Denisha said...

I miss you too! And today went wonderfully! My math lesson was "excellent." I just need to "lay down the law or they will eat me alive". I guess I'm too nice. lol Me....nice....what? Ha!