Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009 Pictures and Happenings

Micah had drama club this morning and came back looking like this:

Jamie did a jack-o-lantern with them:

The kids got all dressed up...

Micah as "Dan" (some Bakugan dude)

Chloe the Cat

Hannah the Jack-O-Lantern girl

Abbi the Southern Belle (or as many said tonight "Scarlett O'Hara)

The kids and first went treating at the mall. It is nice to be indoors, especially with all of us hacking our heads off. We did come back home and walk around for about 30 minutes. I think by that time, they were ready to call it a day and check out their loot anyways. I think they had fun and Halloween 2009 is behind us.

Technically Micah only has 2 more years of trick-or-treating. Can you believe it? I know I can't!


Anonymous said...

They all look so cute!!! I can remember grumbling about trick or treating when my kids were growing up b/c after a long day of work then you run home and rush your guts out the entire night. Now looking back, those are some of my best memories b/c I miss the hustle and bustle now that they are too big. Kids just grow up so fast.

Anonymous said...

Love the pumpkin.