Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday Night Bible Study

For the past month, I've been very blessed to be leading a girl's Bible study on Friday night. The boys have been meeting with one of our other youth leaders at the same time. I have 6 girls that have been in attendance and there are 4-5 boys. It has been such a blessing to me, and I pray that it is for them as well. We are working through a book geared to teenage girls that is based on the book of Esther (one of my favorite women in the Bible).

I'm so proud of the girls (and boys) that have decided to give up part of their weekend to grow in their faith. Most teenagers, especially those that have their own wheels, would not choose to go spend an hour at church to learn more about the Bible. Most would be out with their friends doing whatever teenagers do.

We laugh, we talk, we get off topic sometimes (but that is OK), we pray together, and we are learning from one another. Last night they really started opening up more than they have. The small groups are still very new for them, so they are adjusting and beginning to share. Hopefully before the 13 week study is up, they'll be talking more than me. One can only hope! I don't mind doing a lot of the talking/teaching, but it is great when they share their hearts and what they think of the scripture as well. So, hopefully before we end this Bible study, we'll be gearing up for the next.

I can't always be as involved with extra-curricular activities with the youth as I'd like to. I'd love to be in attendance of everything, but duty as a mother calls and lack of babysitters here make it impossible at times. So, I'm thankful for this time and hopefully as time moves on our little group will grow. Not just in number (that would be OK too), but in our relationship with the Lord.

I was afraid all week that I might not be able to make it to study. I've been coughing my fool head off and about ready to chop my useless nose off, because it is not doing its job either. However, by Friday night I had been fever free for over 24 hours and determined to go teach. So, I went and made it fine with the help of multiple cough drops and a cup of water.

The more I am around the youth, the more I realize how awesome they really are. I think we have probably thought that at every church we have been at, but it is true. I never think I'll love the next group the "same", but I do. Christian teenagers are the best! Sure, they make mistakes sometimes, but don't we all. In 12 years of ministering, we've seen many mistakes. They make us laugh, cry, frustrated, angry, proud, shake our heads, and joyous all in one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you have the opportunity to be there for the girls. Wish we were there to help babysit. You are right...a lot of teenagers that are able to make choices of whether to go to church and learn more about God or hang out with friends...choose the later. I originally typed "most teenagers", but I think there are more teens every day choosing Christ....Praise the Lord.