Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Abbi!

My oldest daughter is 8 today. She is getting so big! I can hardly believe my eyes some days. She weighed in at 5 1/2 pounds and 18 inches long, which was a nice size for being 5 weeks early. She came into this world a fighter and I'm forever thankful that she is as healthy and strong as she is today. 8 years ago, I truly would have never guessed.

They admitted me to the hospital before noon on the 26th in an effort to keep me as still as possible, gave me IV medications, and hoping that she'd stay put for another week. Well, God had other plans, and my body was gearing up for her big arrival. I remember feeling scared while I was in labor, because I had no idea if she'd be OK or not. I remember being miffed that Micah's 2nd birthday party was going to have to be postponed (which seems so silly to me now), because I was sitting in the hospital.

She was born at 12:36 pm. The nurses put her next to me so that I could kiss the top of her head before they whisked her off. She had several problems within the course of a few days, but when she turned the corner, she did it with full force. When she was 4 days old, we got to hold her for about 15 minutes before she needed a dose of oxygen again. It was funny, because when I'd hold her, she'd go immediately to sleep. I guess she needed me at that time as much as I needed her. It was a week of emotional roller coaster and I think I felt about every feeling that there was.

Today, she is a healthy happy 8 year old. She loves sports, drawing, and is very much the social butterfly among her peers. She thinks she is too big for hair ribbons anymore, and She always runs very hot or cold. There is not much middle ground with her. She is very much the drama princess, but I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. God has entrusted us with her care, and I'm forever blessed to have her in my life.

Happy birthday sweet Abbi!

The nurses are working on her in this picture. She was just a few minutes old and even though you can't really see her in the picture, Jamie's face and concern on his face is a reminder of what we went through that day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Abbi.
Even big girls wear bows.
I still remember when she was born as well. One evening,late after everyone had left, they let me hold her. I had to keep the oxygen right up under her nose...but I rocked her and that is probably the first time I sang "You are My Sunshine" to her.
Love you.