Thursday, October 22, 2009

Micah is now a "Decade"

At this point 10 years ago, I had just been admitted to the birthing unit by my doctor, because I was in labor and unaware. Ok, so the "unaware" part didn't really last that long, because it didn't take long for things to kick into high gear. I remember being down right terrified and so excited at the same time.

After a somewhat quick labor and long hard delivery, at 5:35 pm Micah took his first breath in this world. He came out purplish with a conehead, his tongue sticking out at us, and his eyes wide open as the doctor held him up for us to see. Our world completely changed in that instant. All of a sudden we were parents and responsible for raising this little baby who would one day be a man.

We had read all the books and taken all the classes on how to take care of this little baby, but what I wasn't prepared for was the immense feeling of pure love and responsibility that nobody can explain. Looking at him and thinking that he was absolutely the most perfect and amazing creature I had ever seen. I just wanted to hold on and never let go.

Micah is saying that he is a now a "decade" old. My oldest child and my only son is growing up so much. He is such an amazing little person. With 3 girls in the house, I really appreciate more and more how laid back he is. I love that even when he is feeling bad, we can get him to smile. I love that he still has to have a hug and a kiss from both of us to go to sleep at night (even if he protests to such affection during the day). I love his dimples, freckles, and eyelashes (even if they are the features that will have little girls calling the house one day). He is very caring and sensative. He gets upset when someone else is upset and he often gets his feelings hurt as a result. He is just so smart and funny. He loves the Lord and I see him growing in that relationship every day, which is just amazing to me.

I'm completely and totally honored that God entrusted this little guy to me 10 years ago. I know that he has a special plan for him and while I wish I could keep him little forever, I know it'll be so awesome seeing those plans take place.

Happy Birthday to my oldest child and only son!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell him Happy Birthday from Nana and Papa. Sorry we can't be there. I know you probably think that he bothers us when he gets up before the sun. But...truth is, I love talking to him. The last day you all were here he came up and watched me put on my makeup and talked the whole time. What a wonderful way to start off your day.
Happy Birthday Micah. We love you.
Nana and Papa