Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkins, Vacations, and Rooms

The past week or so has been busy, but good. Last week we did the annual "Goofy Gourds" at the library again. The kids get a kick out of it and it is free, which is a plus.

Here is there creations:
Jamie's vacation started Saturday and he will be off the rest of the week while the kids are off on fall break. It has been a nice change from the hustle and bustle of normal life and a much needed break. Even as a mom, I was ready for a homework and hassle break from school. It is nice to just relax in the evenings. We visited with family in Murray this past weekend, but otherwise our plans is to have no plans. It was the first time we have been to Murray in 3 months.

Tuesday, we did the big room switch. We've been planning and anticipating this change for a few months. The past month, I have worked on getting toys organized and donated, and switching closets around. So, all we really had to do was move furniture around. It really didn't take that long. I had measured and already kind of knew where I wanted everything to go. It was just matter of getting it done. Jamie and I were finished in less than 2 hours, which included taking some beds apart. Not too bad!

So, we headed out shopping to find the perfect bedding and accessories. I think they did a pretty good job choosing and the rooms turned out really cute! Just putting clothes away last night, I realized how differently the rooms "feel" now. Not in a bad way, but just different. They are growing up!

Here is Micah's big reveal:

And the girls:


Anonymous said...

You did a great job on the rooms. I know Micah is glad to have his own room.

Anonymous said...

I love the rooms! I know that Micah is excited to have his own space but I am sure that down deep inside, he will miss the girls.
The arrangment looks perfect.