Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

It is that time of year again! Seems like it comes quicker and quicker every year. It is a time to stop and reflect on the blessings that God has given you and spend time with family. It is also the beginning of the Christmas season, which is even more special.

This year I have many things to be thankful for. Jamie and I are very blessed, and we know that beyond a doubt. God has been very good to us over the years. We've had moments where our faith was put to the test. We've had times where things weren't really all the "peachy", but in the end, we were carried through and that is what it is all about anyways. If things were always hunky dory, we would never appreciate God's blessings to their fullest.

So, this year as I stop to reflect of the things in my life that are the most important:
  • Jesus and his sacrifice for me, and his constant unwavering love and patience.
  • My kids who bless me more and more each day. Without them my life would be incomplete.
  • My wonderful Christian Godly husband. I believe 100% that God had him in mind when he created me (and vice-versa). God knew what I needed in a husband and he gave it to me. I really don't know what I did to deserve him. He is my best friend and much much more. He is a wonderful daddy and that makes me love him that much more. I enjoy very much being his help mate and wife!
  • Being a stay-at-home mommy! 12 years ago when I graduated from college I had dreams of becoming a teacher. I wanted to mold and sculpt little minds and make a difference in kids' lives. Little did I know that I would be doing just that, but without a paycheck!
  • Jamie's ministry. His job is a "breath of fresh air" as he describes it and although it comes with its own challenges in life, he is really enjoying himself by serving the Lord at Walnut.
  • The beginnings of some new personal relationships and friendships. This was something that I have prayed for for a long time. I can see God working this out and I'm very thankful. I've needed some connections here.
  • Letting our house in Murray be sold! As of March, we have carried 1 less house payment and that has been a tremendous blessing and answer to prayer. No more tears over stupid finances! We have since paid Jamie's car off and gotten a nice savings for emergencies. Nothing in life is perfect, and we've had a few curveballs, but we are prepared for them now.
  • Our families health. Nothing is taken for granted. We hear of people getting sick and losing loved ones all the time. I know that we are tremendously blessed just by being healthy and not having any major accidents this year.
  • My extended family. I don't get to see them as much anymore, but I know that they are still there by our side (just 150 miles away). My sister and nieces are my best friends in life and I wouldn't take anything for them! Jamie's parents are always there for us when we call. We are very much loved and supported.
  • Our home. I've said it many times over the past year and a half that we've been here. Even though this house is not technically ours, it is still our home and we appreciate it.
  • Little kid giggles, tickles, good-night kisses, hugs, and much much more.
I think I could go on and on all day. We are very blessed and we have nothing or no one to thank except He who created us. He is the one that has given us all of the things listed above and much much more.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chloe's BFF and My Papaw

On Tuesday morning a friend from church comes over with her 2 little ones while her older daughter is in Pre-school. She and her husband are wonderful youth workers at our church. They teach, chaperone, and volunteer their valuable time without complaint.

Tuesdays have become something that Chloe and I both look forward to. Her middle daughter is Chloe's age, so it is so funny to see them playing together. Her name is also Hannah, so Chloe is always quick to differentiate her by saying "Little Hannah" when she is telling us stories. It is good for Chloe to learn to share and play with kids in her own home that are not her siblings, I think. They have a great time together even if they do have to learn to share the hard way sometimes. We mommies enjoy the adult conversations too even if we do get interrupted 50 times.

Anyways, last night we were sitting at the dinner table and we were all talking about our day. Chloe was beginning to talk about seeing "Little Hannah" yesterday when she said, "Little Hannah is my BFF...that means my best friend". We all started cracking up. Who would have thought that my 3 year old would be so cool with the teenage lingo. HA!

On another note...over the past year and a half the bridge on my parents road has been out. Well, they finally fixed it, and my sister sent me this article from the local paper

Murray Ledger and Times Article

The bridge was named after my Papaw Waldrop, which I think is pretty darn cool! He lives right down from the bridge and is probably the oldest resident on that road. He is 93 years "young". He takes care of himself, has his senses about him, deer hunts, rides his 4 wheeler, drives, and does pretty much anything he wants to do. He is healthy and amazing for his age!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Budding Actor

Last week Micah went to another audition for the Theater Workshop for "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". We had all, but forgotten about a play that he had auditioned for at school for their annual 4th-5th grade Renaissance Fair. Well, he found out that he got the role of the Prince (which was the biggest 4th grade part given) the day he went for the other audition. We encouraged him to go on to the other audition, because the experience is good. Over 90 kids tried out for the Narnia play and Micah was chosen as one of the 50 characters in that one too. So, he didn't get a 'big' part. He is "Animal #6 in Asylan's army" to be exact, but we were so proud that he was chosen at all. I'm not really sure if he'll have a speaking role (we get the script on Sunday), but he will get to be in a fighting scene, which he is excited about.

What gets complicated is that these 2 performances are the same week. The one at school is on the Monday and Tuesday and the T.W.O one is the weekend of that same week. Busy busy! It is also the week before Christmas, but it isn't like we have any plans, so might as well do the hustle and bustle of plays instead.

He is excited and we are very proud. He is really blossoming on stage and gaining confidence. He will get to be in the army with many of his fellow "Annie" actors too, so that will be fun.

On another note, my little actor is home sick today. He got up complaining about his ear. We've had a cold thing going on for a few weeks in the Hughes house (not to mention the plague that hit last week, although Micah and Jamie somehow avoided that), so I thought it might be fluid. He had no fever or anything. I sent him to school and he was feeling a little better (so I thought), but the school called and said he was vomiting and to come get him. We went to the walk-in clinic and it is indeed an ear infection. At least maybe he'll be feeling a bit better by tomorrow though. Poor guy!