Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chloe's BFF and My Papaw

On Tuesday morning a friend from church comes over with her 2 little ones while her older daughter is in Pre-school. She and her husband are wonderful youth workers at our church. They teach, chaperone, and volunteer their valuable time without complaint.

Tuesdays have become something that Chloe and I both look forward to. Her middle daughter is Chloe's age, so it is so funny to see them playing together. Her name is also Hannah, so Chloe is always quick to differentiate her by saying "Little Hannah" when she is telling us stories. It is good for Chloe to learn to share and play with kids in her own home that are not her siblings, I think. They have a great time together even if they do have to learn to share the hard way sometimes. We mommies enjoy the adult conversations too even if we do get interrupted 50 times.

Anyways, last night we were sitting at the dinner table and we were all talking about our day. Chloe was beginning to talk about seeing "Little Hannah" yesterday when she said, "Little Hannah is my BFF...that means my best friend". We all started cracking up. Who would have thought that my 3 year old would be so cool with the teenage lingo. HA!

On another note...over the past year and a half the bridge on my parents road has been out. Well, they finally fixed it, and my sister sent me this article from the local paper

Murray Ledger and Times Article

The bridge was named after my Papaw Waldrop, which I think is pretty darn cool! He lives right down from the bridge and is probably the oldest resident on that road. He is 93 years "young". He takes care of himself, has his senses about him, deer hunts, rides his 4 wheeler, drives, and does pretty much anything he wants to do. He is healthy and amazing for his age!

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