Monday, January 4, 2010


It is so cold! Two days in row I have gotten up to single digit temperatures. The highs for the day are only in the lower 20's. So, needless to say, I sent my kids to school with extra layers.

I really dislike the cold weather! It is uncomfortable, we can't go outside, coats (and all the accessories) are just necessary inconveniences, I never seem to be 100% warm, snow is overrated (we usually get ice anyways), I have to warm my car up before going anywhere, and it seems to just drag on forever. So, especially this week, I'm very thankful that we don't live any further north! This is as far north as I really hope to ever be. Now moving south....that might be more like it!

On another note, Micah and I did homework this weekend. Well, at least it was "fun" homework. He had to design a habitat for a White-tailed deer. It is due Friday, but he went ahead and took it with him today. Nothing wrong with getting a few brownie points with the teacher, right? (just kidding!) Now onto the paper that is due next week.


Anonymous said...

The project looks great!
What did you use for the water? It looks like toothpaste.


Buffy said...

We glued on little wadded up pieces of tissue paper. He used a little of Abbi's glitter glue to make it shiny.

Anonymous said...

Excellent job on the project, and I like your new website.

Buffy said...

Jamie is the one that changed the design. He said mine was getting "boring". I just told him to pick whatever he wanted, so I guess he is in touch with his feminine side. HA!

Sozo said...

Shuteeee ....