Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Abbi is Fancy Nancy...Who Knew?

My girls love Fancy Nancy. It is a book collection that has a little girl that likes things "fancy". She uses big words and wears fancy clothes and is more interested in speaking French than English (because it is fancier).

Yesterday, Abbi checked a Fancy Nancy book out of the school library. We were reading it, and I had to stop for a moment when I got to this page:

Particularly, these 2 pictures:

Notice the pink speckled blanket that Fancy Nancy has fashioned into a dress? Well, take a gander at the blanket(s) that Abbi has. A friend made these very large receiving blankets for her when she was born. Who would have thought that 8 years later, they'd still be a part of her life:

Notice how closely they look like Fancy Nancy's? Crazy!

I'm really not sure what she is doing in this picture, but she is obviously dressed up. She sleeps with them, plays with them, and almost every day she has one of them (or both) tied on into an accessory or clothes or hats. We crack up as Abbi walks through the house, because we never know what the blankets are going to be from one day to the next. She sure does use her imagination, that's for sure.

But, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that Fancy Nancy has the same blanket, so I had to take a picture. Which, by the way, is with our new camera (thank you Christmas money and after Christmas sales!) Love it! My old camera would have never zoomed in and given me such a crisp picture. I can't wait to use it for Upward Cheer this weekend!


Anonymous said...

OMG...that is too funny. You will always have to keep a pink blanket b/c she will get a kick out of it when she becomes a mom.

I happen to know someone that slept with their baby blanket until the day they got married. It will always be treasured by me!
Mamow made it which makes it extra special.


Buffy said...

What a coincidence! I know somebody that did the same thing, although she claims that she didn't (even though she can't say it with a straight face) and I know differently. LOL!

Anonymous said...

That is too cute. I know Abbi loves those blankets. I didn't know someone made them for her. That is really neat that Fancy Nancy has one just like hers.

Denisha said...

Ok, I'm pretty sure that Mama was talking about me (embarrassing enough) but who are you talking about Buffy? Mama? You? Well frankly, I still wish I had mine.

And buffy that makes me think of "it flips and it flops, its a flip flop"

Anonymous said...

Well i wanted to delete my comment but I don't have that option. I'm so glad I gave you a laugh! Shun.