Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow Fun and the Tooth Fairy is Visiting

Well, Hannah finally lost that first tooth! The child didn't even have a tooth in her head until she was 13 months old, so it isn't any wonder that she is just now loosing that tooth. My other kids were 5 and she is almost 7. She is very proud though and she will get a sticker tomorrow at school.

Saturday we had some snow fun. It was a good snow. The temperatures weren't totally unbearable and even though it was a bit powdery for a snowman, the kids sure did have fun. Chloe could barely walk in some areas where it had drifted so deep.

Jamie did shovel the driveway and made them a little fort. Well, if you can call it that. The girls were using it to play house instead.

Here is Micah being buried in the snow. A little bit chillier than being buried in the sand.
And, I think we've watched "A Christmas Story" one too many times. You know the kid that sticks his tongue to the metal pole? No, he didn't really do it.

Not much else happening on the home front. Jamie and I are praying and thinking about some things on the horizon. God knows what they are and I suppose that others will know soon enough. No, it is not another baby!

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