Sunday, May 30, 2010

School is Out!

I've been teaching Micah for 3 months and the girls for 4 weeks and we are officially closing the 2009-2010 school year. Well, we are taking a field trip to the aquarium in Gatlinburg, but otherwise we are complete. It has been a learning experience all around. It is very enjoyable and such a relief with the move. No more worries about school districts or them having to change schools again (and possibly again). It relieves much stress off of those things for the kids. Our worlds have been turned upside down and it gives them stability and consistency (me too right now). I've had a lot of fun and I think they have too.

This weekend we went to a Veteran's celebration at Jamie's family's church. They had games and things for the kids and they had a lot of fun despite the heat.

As for the rest, we are hanging in there. I'll be glad when my mind can get back to normal thoughts. Some days are worse than others, but we are getting there one step at at time. My kids are in a clueless child world. They are happy, so that makes me smile, if nothing else.

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