Friday, August 13, 2010

Who Said the #13 is Bad Luck?

It has always been a pretty good number for us. I don't really believe in luck at all, but we seem to fall into things with the number 13 often. We lived at 1313 Bazzell Cemetery Road for 9 years. I always thought the address would be appropriate for a Stephen King novel and I had many people look at me like I was crazy after asking for my address. It never bothered me. It was easy to remember and we made a ton of wonderful memories in that that little home.

Here I sit, today, on Friday the 13th waiting to go to the bank. Our house closing is this afternoon. We even got a little extra blessing with the closing costs being MUCH less than what they had originally estimated. So, we will officially be home owners this afternoon after 3:00, however we won't be moving for another 2 weeks. That part makes the closing a little less exciting, but it is at least a step in the forward direction instead of being stuck in the quicksand.

On another note, we had to attend a funeral visitation for a dear sweet lady that we used to go to church with. She died way too young and way too tragically to even comprehend. I can still see her standing up on the church stage singing out praises to our King and now I know she is sitting in heaven singing beautiful praises. I had to gulp back a lump in my throat last night when I hugged her mother and daughter and other family members and my favorite song she sang at church was playing over the intercom at that exact moment. She had made a CD for her mother of her singing and we stood in line about an hour listening to her lovely voice one more time. Sometimes we just don't understand this world!

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