Saturday, August 7, 2010

1 Week down and Still Waiting!

We just completed our first week of homeschooling for 2010-2011. It went well. Not without any bumps, which I suppose is to be expected. I really like all the curriculum overall. I think I would have chosen something else for 1 particular subject, but we are tweaking it to meet our needs and we'll do something else next year. It is not a "make or break" subject either, so not a big deal! It is nice to have something "normal" right now and Chloe got up this morning wanting to do school (Saturday).

But, we are still waiting on our home closing. I am so frustrated with the whole thing and told Jamie that I'm never moving again! I'm just so beyond tired and weary. I feel my anxiety on the rise and I know that Jamie and I both are dealing with some mild depression. We just have the case of the "blahs" and so ready to put the past 4 months behind us, have our own home again, and move forward in life instead of looking backward.

We were told a few days ago that we would close Friday or Monday, but there was a "bump" in the process and the loan officer is now saying next week again. Ok, I admit, I had a major meltdown, I called Jamie at work frantic, and bawled like a baby after hearing that news. A few days is really nothing in the grand scheme of life, but right now they are precious. I was excited about closing being "early" but I guess it is back to the original date (or around about). The loan lady apologized and she is now not allowed to push it faster again. So we are merely another number in line with the processor and that is where we stand at the moment. Just more waiting!

I can't help, but think that whatever lesson God had in store for me, I may have just failed miserably. I cry behind closed doors a lot and question why things had to have been this way. I appreciate the family that has reached out to us and prayed for us and cared for us during this valley in life.

We are trying out a new church tomorrow too. It has been over 12 years since we have gotten to choose our own church, so I'm a bit excited and nervous at the same time. We desire a church with a solid children and youth program, so that our children can make some connections and grow in their faith. Jamie and I want to make some friends too since we had to leave our "hang-out" buddies behind in Owensboro. It has been nice attending church with family the past couple of months, but it is time to move forward with this process. I realize more and more though how little the denominational label means on the sign outside. I've felt this way for a good long while. So, who knows where we'll end up.

God has some special things in store for us around the corner. Being patient has been hard and dealing with the hurt that brought us here has been the hardest thing we've ever had to go through. I know that we are trudging out of the valley though even if it does seem slow at the moment. I think in a few weeks, I'll at least be shedding some tears of joy instead!

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