Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'll never be a professional wallpaper stripper

So, I stripped the wallpaper in the bathroom fairly easily. Heck, I've even stripped wallpaper in previous homes we've lived in, but never in my life have I encountered wallpaper so stubborn as the room we are working in now. It is coming along, but we are literally picking it off inch by miserable inch. I even have the kids involved and while they think it is fun, I'm simply not amused at this point and really would LOVE to get some paint on the walls this weekend! I'm not sure that will happen, but we'll see.

It is funny when you mention wallpaper to people, everybody thinks they have "the trick" of all tricks to get the stubborn stuff off the walls. We've tried them all. Downy, DIF, Parana, hot water, hot vinegar water, hot dishsoapy water....yes we perforate it and we have a tool to get it lifted off, but it is still not coming off in very large sheets (think more like lasagna noodle size at most). I've even had some people tell me to dry strip the top off and that should come off easily, then the paper backing is a piece of cake with some hot water. Ummmm...hello! Maybe that would be a great idea...if it would come off!!!!

Ok, yea, a little frustrated with the wallpaper, because I really want it off, so we can paint and get this show on the road already. I miss having my desktop computer, I miss books, I want my dry erase board on the wall and not propped up in the floor, I want to organize my homeschooling things once and for all, I want to showcase the kids' artwork, I want a bulletin board, a classroom calendar, and I just really want to whine about it I guess. No advice, just let us whine a bit, because in reality, nothing is going to be the "trick of all tricks" to get it off. I'm sorry, but somebody actually asked us tonight if we have wet it. Seriously, people? I really am not that naive.

I think they used some kind of NASA glue or something. I'm not sure, but maybe they'd like to get some of it to test it in the lab. Or perhaps, it was wallpaper that was hung over 20 years ago and the previous owners were determined that it would never peel or come down without a fight.

So, I think I've given up my career as a professional here and we'll call it a night.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I worked on that wallpaper while Jamie was taking the Uhaul back. It does not come off easy.

Anonymous said...

I'm off tomorrow and can stop by and strip wallpaper if you want.