Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It is Not a Good day in the Hughes house!

First of all, I know the snow was a pain in the behind for everybody, but it was a blessing for us! Jamie's class was cancelled, which was his main worry, because it was the final presentation and much of his grade rides on that. Then, I heard from his co-worker that MCU closed at noon, so he didn't even have to claim an entire sick day. I encouraged him to go ahead and take off today too since he needed to go to the doctor for a follow up blood draw and he is still very weak. I told him, "you can't underestimate the power of rest when you have been so sick"

Little did we know! About 7am this morning, my stomach started churning and not feeling good. I got up and thought I could tough it out, at first. I started doing school with the kids and then decided, "ummm, no I'm really really sick!" and have been for the rest of the day. So, Jamie's sick day ended up being more for my behalf than his, but we had no idea. I've been very sick and 102 fever for most of the day. Jamie had this Zofran here, so that at least allowed some relief.

So, Jamie got to play substitute teacher today and homemaker. Jamie's bloodwork came back normal (yay!) and the doctor agreed with the ER doctor that it was bacterial. They said that Jamie was not contagious at all (I was beginning to wonder this morning if they were wrong). We are assuming for now that I picked up some nasty germs at the ER. We really don't know at all.

So, it has not been a good week around here. I've realized in these last few days though how wonderful my family and church friends are. We've had people calling and checking on everything, offers to keep my kids, and even offers to run to the store for us. We are very blessed to have these wonderful people in our lives!

Jamie did find out that his infection can lead to appendicitis, so we have to keep a watch on that. I'm also trying to keep away from everybody. The last thing Jamie needs is a virus on top of it all. Pray that none of the kids get it and the appendicitis doesn't happen!!!!


Anonymous said...

hope the hugheses get to feeling better soon.

Buffy said...

Seems like most of the Hughes family is in bad shape right now! I think I may have the flu or something. Fever won't even break with meds.