Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Deciding on God's Will for Your Life

There have been many times since my salvation, 14 years ago, where I've pondered God's will for our lives. God has a plan and it doesn't have to be so mysterious to us as we make it out to be. It is kind of like having a relationship with a person. I can look into the eyes or listen to the voice of Jamie or my kids and know what they are thinking sometimes. No, I'm not psychic, I just have a strong connection to them and relationship. The same is true for God. We have to keep the lines of communication open (both directions), stay in a good Bible teaching church, surround ourselves with brothers/sisters in Christ and it doesn't have to be a big hard thing to see God's direction. It almost happens naturally over time with little steps along the way. It is truly when we look back that we begin to really see how our steps lined up perfectly and it had to be God.

The funny thing about God's will for my life is that it is unique to me and only me. Someone from the outside can't really understand what God is telling me personally. Yes, I can share that communication with them, but I'm actually pretty positive that Jamie and I have made some illogical decisions along the way that people (even well meaning people) would stop and think, "What are those 2 thinking!?!?" Actually, we've probably made many of those decisions over the years. You see, nobody else can determine God's will for our lives. They can determine what God is leading them to do, but that is really all. As long as you don't see a person going directly against the Bible itself, how can you really know about another person's heart? You can't.

I look back over places we've been over the past 14 years and while we are not perfect in any way, I have seen God's hand in our lives over and over with jobs, our children, decisions, etc. I've seen God order our steps, soften our hearts, and put things in our path that we may have never even though of ourselves. Coincidence? Or God? I choose God!

I am sitting here amazed once again at God's handywork in our personal lives. We are very blessed to put it lightly. Some of the moments I feel stressed, discontent, or have a wavering faith, I can go back in my mind to many times where God was right there with us. He has lifted us up, carried us, ordered our steps, and shown us things that we would have never encountered on our own free will. It is amazing really!

Jamie got an extra blessing this week and again, I'm reminded that even when we aren't looking for something, God may just plop it right in your lap anyways (this has happened to us more than once!). I'm sitting here a very proud wife right now:-) I love my husband more than words can express and I hope that he realizes that even when I blow it.

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