Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well, I've Decided...

Next year, we are starting school in July! This year I had the house to take care of, but now we sit and wait for August 1st to roll around to have something to do. My kids love to play outside, but with these heat indexes, that is not an option. So, we are kind of 'stuck' and I feel like we are wasting time! Might as well school during the heat waves and take off when it is nice outside. Too late for this year unless I want some meltdowns to occur though. And I don't mean meltdowns due to the heat;-) I'm looking forward to getting cranked back up myself. They may not agree, although Chloe is super excited about being in Kindergarten!

We are adapting to Jamie's new schedule, and we'll need to figure out what to do once school rolls around. It is nice for him to get comp time and get to go in late . He is better rested and it allows for some extra study time during the week. And, of course, it allows some nice windows of time for appointments, family time, etc. I like having a guaranteed schedule rather than never knowing what is going on.

In less then 2 days we will get to do some baby spoiling. I know her parents are not looking forward to her first night away, but I guarantee that she will be well loved! We are looking forward to it. It is nice to squish a little baby every now and then.

So, school supplies line the aisles at Wal-Mart and it is time to start planning our adventures. I'm not sure who learns the most....them or me.

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