Saturday, January 5, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

I suppose everybody has their own list.  It seems that people often ask the same questions.  You know the saying, "If I had a nickel..."

In no particular order:

*  "Is that your real name?"-- I cannot even begin to imagine how many times I have answered this particular question. My entire life was filled with introducing myself to someone, having to repeat my name (because they think I say "bethany" or something similar) and then answering this golden question.  I have had people follow up with, "Is that on your birth certificate?"  and "Your parents actually named you that?" too.  I had 1 guy actually stand there and laugh when all the answers to these questions were to the affirmative.

*  "Do you slay vampires?"-- Yes, this is also name related, but is almost always asked upon the conclusion of any of the above 3 questions.  Usually the person will chuckle and think they are original.  In which, I too kind of chuckle to flatter them.  If they only knew!  The funny thing is that I have never watched 1 episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".  Not even one!  It just isn't my cup of tea.

*  "Are all these kids yours?" -- I still get asked this frequently.  I suppose they think I'm babysitting?  I don't know, but I find it kind of funny.  I have 4 kids, not 14. I'm not a Duggar!  Our family is complete unless God intervenes in a very mighty way.  I love my little family and it is the perfect size of not being too small or too big!

*  "Do you know what causes that?" --  This one is becoming less frequent as my kids get older  I have noticed, so possibly will soon be totally phased out.  I hope.  I suppose now that I'm not pregnant or holding a baby (or both) that this isn't on the radar as much.   It is such an awkward moment for me where I figure I turn different shades of red. 

*  "Are you having any more children?" --  No, we are not having any more children by our choices.  If we have a child, it will be by God's great intervention.  My family is complete and I'm not getting any younger here!  I've always wondered why people ask this though.  Maybe they do think I am a Duggar!

*  "Are you going to homeschool all the way through?" --  This is also common and usually followed by, "I could never do it", "my kids won't listen to me", or "you must have a lot of patience".  Yes, we do plan to homeschool through high school.  We feel led to homeschooling by God.  However, life can change instantaneously and I would never presume what my life in 11 years will look like.  I want to, but we take this thing called life one moment at a time, because that is all we really have.  I've always found it humorous that when someone asks where the kids go to school and I answer that we homeschool that the above 3 comments are usually muttered or something similar.  It is sort of like they are defending themselves, but why?  I don't really think that much about other people's schooling choices.  I don't really care, honestly:-)  What works for one doesn't work for another

* "Can your kids actually graduate High School like that?" --  Homeschooling is 100% legal in all 50 states.  KY just happens to be a very lenient state too, which is a blessing!  Yes, my kids will graduate high school.  It will not be easy, it may take some tutors or some helps along the way (we aren't there yet), but they will have credits and transcripts just like kids in public school. And colleges are known to actively seek out homeschoolers! 

* "You must have your hands full?" -- This may be more of a statement than question.  My answer is always the same, "we are busy, but we love it".

*  "Do you work?" --  This is a loaded question as I DO work!  I do not get paid for my job(s).  My focus during the normal work week is educating my children in addition to all the other mommy things that everybody else is doing:-)

*  "How do you put up with him" or "You really have five kids." when referring to my husband --  I'm not sure why people ask this or say this.  Just because my husband jokes around doesn't make him an child  He is serious when the situation calls for, has a strong work ethic, and he has always been a wonderful help in every aspect of our family (from housework to doing 2am feedings).  He is no child.  I usually respond about how much he helps me.  I know people are joking. I do have a sense of humor, but I will take up for him too. We have sort of "reduced" men in our society, I think. . I find it sad actually.


Kara said...

So true...

My sister (mother of five) got a lot of those questions, too. My favorite response she gave:
"My my, you sure do have your hands full" and she would say "Better than empty". :)

And about Jamie being your fifth child...I'm so glad you honor him, even if someone is joking around. Al plays video games, wrestles with the dogs, impersonates various rock stars...he is often acting crazy when I would prefer he be serious. But...I need this silliness from him and I believe God knew I needed it, too. He makes me laugh nonstop and what could be bad about that?!

I appreciate that about Jamie, and not for one second have I thought he needed you to be his Momma! :)

Buffy said...

Thanks for your lovely comments on my mostly outdated blog:-) I'm trying to get back in the habit. I love to look back at my posts.

Jamie is a jokester too, but truth be known I'm probably weirder and more talkative than he is. HA!