Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School (almost tear-free)!

The kids got up all excited this morning about the first day of school! We all took them and walked them into their classrooms. Micah went into the class and hardly looked back. Knowing him, he is already in trouble for talking, because he doesn't meet many strangers. Abbi walked into the class with her head down. She was excited, but I think she was being a bit shy. Hannah was all smiles as she went to class. She has been ready to start "big" school for years and it was finally her moment.

Even Jamie and I made it through with no tears, although I did feel the lump coming on (Jamie said he did the same thing). It is hard leaving your babies behind at a new place. Even if you know the new place is excellent and they will love it! We all have the unfamiliar this year, not just the kids. The other school was old stomping grounds of Jamie's and the school that I did my student teaching and worked as a sub, so we knew the ropes, many of the teachers, and the "good" and the "bad". Right now we are all in the same boat, and it can be a bit scary.

Before we left home:
My 3rd grader looking all handsome:
My 1st grader in her new blue dress:
My Kindergartener who couldn't wait for today:

And here is the reason that the day was 'almost tear-free'. Poor Chloe didn't understand why she couldn't go to "class" like the rest of them. She was fine until we got outside the door, then she protested. I figured that this year would be harder on her. She is older and Hannah will be gone all day instead of a few hours. I'm sure she and I will have some special time together though.
Finally we appeased her with her own "class"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to have "special time" with her in the back seat, her knickers wouldn't be on very long