Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Pink Hands

This has been a pretty uninteresting week so far. So, I apologize for the lack of photos of my family, but I'm sure it'll be picture overload after the wedding. Chloe ran a fever from Sunday afternoon through Monday. She acted totally fine, so I'm not really sure what the issue was, but her fever got up over 103 at one point, so something was going on with her. Tuesday and Wednesday I made mints for the wedding. I've made 580 mints with only 2 molds! That is all Hobby Lobby had. I also realized that in my hastiness yesterday, that I had left the "mint" out of a couple of batches. Oops! Oh well...white chocolate is still good!

Her wedding color is "watermelon" AKA "hot pink" so I made a few shades of pink mints, with some being "watermelon" in color. Who needs to worry about a manicure when you can just dye your hands the color of the dress!
The results of my labor!
Today, I'll be packing for the big event and tonight is the Back to School Celebration (although mommy isn't "celebrating" too much). Tomorrow, I'm going to be on my sister's doorstep bright and early so that I can help them with anything that needs to be done. Then Saturday is the big day!

On a sidenote: My grandmother used to make mints for weddings and other events (and sometimes just for us to snack on). She made the homemade kind out of cream cheese and I can remember what they looked like and smelled like. When I was pouring the mint extract into my melty chocolate, it took me right back to her. I've thought about her a lot since we moved for a variety of reasons. It is kind of funny the things that will take you back in your mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a fun week making mints. I am not sure if you know this or not, but for future reference, there is a place here in town called Laval's they carry all kinds of cake decorating supplies, shaped baking pans, candy molds,the pre-made mints and chocolate that you can melt and all kinds of that stuff. I am not sure exactly the price comparison, but they are super nice and it is a locally owned business. Hope this info helps in the future.