Saturday, November 22, 2008

Abbi's Award and the Icy Cold Christmas Parade

Abbi was bouncing off the walls yesterday afternoon, because of the phone call and she got the Principal's Award of Excellence, which earned her a certificate and a dog tag. They collect dog tags for different achievements and wear them on Fridays, so she can proudly wear her very special dog tag. We are very proud of her and she is proud of herself. I know my kids are smart and polite, but it is exra special for it to be recognized by others.
We went to our first Christmas parade here. It is in the evening, so it is nice to see all the lights and all, but it was so incredibly cold! I cannot believe it is this cold in November!!! The temperature was supposedly 33 degrees, but I would have sworn that it was much colder. The kids were excited and we bundled up with some extra layers.
Abbi decided that her face was cold so she decided to use her scarf for some warmth. We also just watched the movie "Penelope" so she was trying to be her.
When Micah got really cold, I put my arms around him. He would never admit, but I think he was embarrassed for his mother to be bear hugging him in public He didn't complain, because we were trying to heat each other up.
Chloe was in complete awe of the whole thing. She thought it was just fantastic and even though I know she had to be cold, she never once complained about it!
Well, we were out on the sidewalk for almost 2 hours! There was still no end in sight of the parade, and Hannah was starting to meltdown as a result of being so cold. She was crying and just wanted to go home. So, this is why we missed the last half hour or so of the parade and to be honest, no one cared, because we were all very frozen. We saw a lot of other people leaving too, and they were probably thinking what we were, "when is this stinking thing going to be over!?!?"
We are all warm and toasty in our home right now. I also know that I'd never be happy further north where winter is the longest season of the year. BLECH! Give me hot weather any ol' day, but keep me away from the cold!


Anonymous said...

Poor Hannah. It looks like she needs a big cup of hot chocolate. Nana

Anonymous said...

Frozen Tears are the WORST
