Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another Birthday, My New Wheels, and Children's Choir

So, I have yet another year under my belt now. Sometimes I think about how old I am and how I used to think that people my age had things figured out by now. But, as I grow older, I've realized that you never really figure anything out. It is all just one big adventure that God holds in the palm of his hands anyways.

This year I got some extra special birthday gifts. I really got the best birthday present probably in my adult life last Friday when we sold our home. It was just the hugest answer to prayer for us. I feel as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and just a general sense of relief. I don't even think I realized how stressed I was until it was all over. Now I feel like I can move on and Jamie and I can work on the next exciting challenge of becoming debt free (more about that later)

Saturday, Jamie and I went shopping for new wheels. For a few years now, I have wanted to take up biking. The time was just never "right" to do it. So, we went and got us some bikes and a trailer to pull Hannah and Chloe (Micah and Abbi can ride independently). I love that my bike is pink and white. It is the same colors as the bike I had as a child. Of course, minus the cool early 80's banana seat, basket, and horn.

Saturday we all went on our first little adventure and Chloe and I have gone twice this week by ourselves when everybody is gone during the day. I'm sure it was some evil person that decided to make all the long steep uphill climbs on the way back home. After biking 3 or 4 miles and the last bit being up hill, I come in with jell-o legs. It is fun though and a great way to exercise and blow off some steam at the same time. The weather is just perfect outside!

Even with those 2 great birthday gifts under my belt, I still was blessed with some cards, a birthday sticker (which Hannah proudly made me wear to church), and headphones/memory card for my new phone to use the MP3/radio features. Jamie was a good husband and avoided buying me chocolate truffles (which is his "go to" present for me)! We've done great with this new "healthy in 2009" thing (more about that later too).

The kids sang last night in children's choir too. It is always so sweet to see children singing praises to the Lord. This just topped my birthday off with a cherry. A mommy always loves to see her little ones up on stage.

So overall, it was a great birthday even if the number is getting bigger and bigger. I can't stop time, but I can stop and soak in what is happening in my life at this moment. That is all any of us can do!


Anonymous said...

Is pulling the wagon thing heavy? I have always wondered if it was difficult to pull a couple of kids in it.

Anonymous said...

Donald kept trying to convince Jamie that you needed a DQ ice cream cake and Jamie wouldn't give in. Donald said he understood your delima about being 'healthy' and he would even eat your share of the cake. hahaha

Buffy said...

I don't even feel the trailer unless I'm going uphill. I do feel the burn going uphill though!

Buffy said...

That is funny about the cake. I'm not even sure I've ever had a DQ cake actually. The DQ in Murray is totally different. I can resist cake better than those evil truffles though!