Friday, June 19, 2009

Micah as Sandy

Tonight was Micah's first performance as Sandy the dog. It was a packed house (nearly sold out), and they all did great! It really is a cute play, and Micah stole his scenes completely away. He said his heart was beating really heart, but I bet mine was beating right along with his. I was in a jitter all evening with excitement, nervousness, and anticipation.
Of course, he was just adorable and Mommy had to wipe some tears away through his scenes. Why do I always turn into a ball of mushy tears when my kids do something amazing? I always made fun of my mother for doing that, but I guess the laugh is on me, because look who is the blubbering mess now!
I didn't know quite what to do. I knew that girls would be getting flowers, but a 9 year old boy doesn't want a flower, and I'm sure that wouldn't be "manly" enough anyways. So, I headed to the Hobby Lobby and found the perfect lollipop molds. Puppy feet! How cute, and he was surprised, so the kids ate one when we got home to celebrate!
Here is the back of his shirt with the signatures of all the cast. I told him that when he was rich and famous and I get interviewed on the Today show, I'd be sure to pull out the ol' Sandy pictures and tell them that is where he got started!


Anonymous said...

I have been searching and asking others, "what do the guys get" at these performances. I knew the girls received flowers. But, I was told that the guys get flowers as well. You had the perfect idea. That was sooo cute.

Anonymous said...

I have the mommy tear syndrome your not alone haha. The suckers were so cute....a great idea!

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to see his performance this weekend.