Monday, July 20, 2009

Crossings 2009

We just got back from youth camp yesterday afternoon. I'm not sure I could've taken another full day of camp. I was quickly losing steam. When we were praying yesterday morning, I had to keep my eyes open for the fear that they might not open back up if I closed them (for real!). I'm not sure of the last time I was so tired, but we made it and after a full night's rest in my own bed, we are all feeling much more refreshed!

It was a great time in the Lord though. We all get to know each other a little better. There is nothing like living with people to get to know them. We all got smacked in the face with the word of God (in a good way, of course). We all laughed a lot and had a lot of fun too. The youth are all geared up wanting to go back next year already, which is a great thing! A few of the kids even expressed interest in getting a counselor job there when they are in college.

Jamie finally did get on the "blob" on the last day and ended up really liking it. Jamie is not a fan of lake/pond water. We all know that the KY lake is just a big mud puddle anyways. Pretty from afar, but mucky and brown up close. But, he sucked it up and went.

Here he is on the jumping end of the thing. He bounced off Justin, who is one of ours.
Here are a couple of pictures of him being bumped off. He flew a few good times, but I happened to get photos of the highest one. The last one, he got a bit injured on, but he thought it was worth it.
They have a boat race. One of the stipulations was that the boat had to be homemade. It was neat to see all the variety of boats. Some really looked like a boat all the way down to a rubbermaid container with funoodles tied to it (guess who sank first). Ours was somewhere in the middle. It was PVC piping, rope, duct tape, and a float. We put our youngest youth on it, who also happens to be our pastor's son. He did a great job. Our boat stayed afloat and didn't lose. Woohoo! He was somwhere in the middle.

Here is Ryan at the finish line. The one with the orange tape on the oars.

Another "first" for me was seeing a rubicks cube genious! I loved me a good rubicks cube in the 80's (Micah also has one that I pick up and play with sometimes now), but I could never get more than 2 sides. This kid is 13 years go, but is going to be a sophomore in high school (smart kid!). He picked up a rubicks cube less than a year ago and can now solve it in an average of 45 seconds. It was amazing! No matter how much people messed the thing up, he could spin it around and solve it in less than minute. All the while he was solving the puzzle, he could carry on a conversation and look around. He doesn't even think it is a big deal either even when everybody's eyes are bugging out watching this. I told him that I expect him to cure cancer one day!
The kids had a great time at Nana and Pawpaw's too. I missed them so much and had to mooch them up good when I finally got my hands on them. They told me about all the fun they had and I'm glad that they got a little "vacation" in Murray.

So, today we are back in the "real"world again. It is nice that Jamie is off on Monday's, so that we can recoop from our lack of sleep. I have bags of laundry and he has a yard to mow. Micah takes off for his camp on Thursday.

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