Saturday, August 1, 2009

Back to School Shopping

We decided to venture out today to do the shoes and school supplies for "back to school". Man, I cannot believe that it is time for this already. Where in the world did the summer go? Oh wait....I know.....VBS, Annie Jr, Jamie's vacation, Jonathon Creek camp, and Kids Camp! It has flown by! We lost 2 weeks due to make-up days, but I still think it would have flown by as busy as we have been. It has been a good one though. Micah said tonight that he wishes he could rewind the summer and do it all over again. At least, he had fun and made some good memories. I think we all did.

So, we did the whole shoe shopping thing. I always get them 2 pair: 1 pair of tennis shoes and then another pair that they can wear anytime. So, we went to 3 different stores and finally got everybody what they needed for that. Plus, we got some soccer shoes since that is getting ready to start for Abbi. Do I even need to mention what color stripes are on them? Pink, of course! They are so cute!

Then we did the whole Wal-Mart back to school supplies and backpack adventure. I think we spent 2 hours there trying to decipher what we needed. We came out a little cheaper than last year when we just purchased the supplies in the bundles at the school. It wasn't much though and I'm not sure it is worth the hassle. Especially when I still don't know what in the world 1 item is, so it was omitted from my list until I can find out for certain what in the world it is. Why do the lists have to be so obscure and confusing? It is like a terrible Easter Egg hunt that is not fun in the least. Oh well...lesson learned on that one.

We now just have to get a new 1st day outfit and socks and things of that nature. So, I guess we can go out Monday and try to tackle that.

All in all, it was a pretty successful day though and the kids are very excited to start to school now. Something about the start of school is always a reminder of the few times we get fresh starts in life. So nice and refreshing! But, I'm really dreading it at the same time! Getting up earlier again, trying to scoot everybody out the door on time, homework, and more homework (did I mention homework?).

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