Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Today we celebrate 16 years of marriage. Lord only knows we've had our share of bumps in the road of life, but one thing that has remained constant for the past 16 years is our relationship with one another. I think that Satan has tried to pry us apart, but we've remained true to one another. Even through tears, we can usually find some laughter and joy and something to put a smile on our face.

We've never had much to speak of, but we have been blessed beyond measure in many other ways! We have 4 wonderful children that complete our family. 16 years ago, I would have never dreamed that I would have had 4 kids. I had my 'dreams' mapped out in a much different way, which is quite funny now. I didn't want children and my main goal in life was to complete my college degree and teach. So it just goes to show you that God can change your heart's desires to meet his purpose for your life. Sometimes he changes your desires completely and sometimes he just does a bit of tweaking.

But, I know that God placed Jamie and I together. I never would have thought that young "love" at 13 years of age, would eventually turn into my present life. Jamie is a God-given husband and a wonderful daddy in this family. He is so much more than that though. I can't imagine my life without him. He is the whole package.

We are sitting here in the present time going through another valley that life has thrown us. There are many things right now that are uncertain. But, I know that, no matter what, we have each other and that won't change. If it weren't for our solid marriage and trust, we would have crumbled.

I had a youth that wrote me a letter before we moved. She was one of the special young ladies that attended my girls Bible study on Friday nights. I don't have the letter to quote (I'm sure it is in a box), but she said that she could see that Jamie and I really love each other and that we were a great example for a teenager like her. It warmed my heart to read that in a very special way. To know that other people "see" it is kind of amazing and can only be described as a God thing.

So....Happy Anniversary to the best man I've ever met, the only guy I've ever kissed, and the one that holds my heart this side of heaven!


Katie said...

Love you Buffy! Happy anniversary!

Buffy said...

Thanks Katie! Love you too!